Bubba V.

More Sports Please

Wowza! June 14, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — sandyv @ 12:27 am

           I can’t believe that school is going to be over in like 2 and 1/2 days! wow. it was so amazing I just don’t know what to say…. except that WE ARE SO CLOSE TO FINISHING SCHOOL AND I WILL MISS MOSTLY EVERYONE exept for some poeple who I will be glad to get away from!! Just kidding… kind of!! Well it has been an awsome year and I can’t wait to see you next year. Peace out and H.A.G.S!!


Spring Break April 16, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — sandyv @ 4:33 pm

Over spring I have a great time.  First off I got a lg vu from at&t.



Then Tuesday and Wedsenday i had basketball practice from Philadelphia Belles. Then Luckily I finally left to go to the beach until sunday. I had an somewhat awsome easter because we had to clean my beach house and nobodywanted to go outside even though it was beautiful outside. Whatever.

Happy Easterbunny


Villanova April 2, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — sandyv @ 1:04 pm



As probally a lot of you know, Villanova has amzing beat Pitt by I think 2 pionts at the end of the game. I am not sure about who made the final point but I think it is Scotty Reynolds but am not sure of that?! I’m a little upset because I had Pitt winning but am still happy too. Be sure to watch the game on April 4th, 2009 at 8:47 against North Carolina.


Check out their website at www.villanova.com! Nova Nation baby!


NCAA Basketball Tournament March 25, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — sandyv @ 4:24 pm


OMG! Im soooooo upset! Ugh! Uconn lost and my friend filled out her answer on my poll and she was right!! AHHH! Man, well I hope u did better then me at it 

Hey Guys. Its me…. again! Well I just telling you about how I want UConn to win the whole tournament.


Softball March 6, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — sandyv @ 5:36 pm

Wooohooo!! I made it. After a whole WEEK of tryouts. Unfortunally, Iman didn’t make it, (ha ha) but i dont mean it. Well  my first scrimmage will be Friday, the 27!


Steelers!! February 6, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — sandyv @ 5:55 pm

Even through the steelers made it to the superbowl and not the eagle, I am still proud about them winning beating the team that the eagles lost to.

Go Steelers!! (I would make it yellow and black, but the black dosen’t show up on my website real well!)



Hello President Obama! January 27, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — sandyv @ 5:40 pm


Hey did anyone actually see the Inauguration? I did at my house from the comfort of my home. But I fell asleep because it was really long, and boring!! Oh well, Obama is now are offical president!


Hello 2009!! January 7, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — sandyv @ 5:32 pm

Over Christmas break, I had so much fun. At Christmas time, it was awsome, because on Christmas eve I went over to my anut house on my dad side, and Christmas day I had a party at my house with my mom side of the family! I got mostly everything that I wanted like UGGs, Rockband 2, PJ pants, and knee high socks!

For New years eve, I went to my beach house and my dads friend came with us. I stayed there for about 5 or 6 days. And……………….I got nothing else to say!